Department Store Supervisor and still Homeless

Through this job, we learned that living expenses in the Bay Area was so expensive that our subject, Damon, was pushed to become homeless while being a supervisor at Home Depot. After the recent lost of his two-month-old son and a major hike in rent, Damon could not continue to afford staying in his previous home and was evicted.

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Victor Tan
Father Carl Was Murdered

As Elliot described it, it’s like one of those stories that his parents would tell him growing up but there weren’t many tangible items or records of such stories. Elliot decided to gather his family and relatives, sit them down, and record their the story before it becomes forgotten. And man was it a fascinating story!

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Victor Tan
Dr. Thompson from Lurie Children's Hospital

Not many corporate production companies would send an assignment with a Lookbook on how they want the interview to look and feel. Thom said he wants a mixture of tungsten and daylight in the lighting of the interview and that’s exactly what I gave him. He wanted warm highlight for hair light, but because of the nature of black hair…

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Victor Tan